Family is the center of life's meaning.
Now, that the first, real snowfall has encompassed us, and is still melting on our driveway, I look back to this beautiful, autumn afternoon a couple of weeks ago, and embrace the mild and crisp weather that the season brought. I always love to shoot families. I love to watch their relationships unfold in front of my lens, and I enjoy the dynamics that make them a family. Shooting this family, in particular, made my heart light. While their playfulness and laughter echoed in the air, it made me happy to know that in a little way, I was a part of their dynamic as well. It made me happy to reflect on memories past, and to see a familiarity in the children that reminded me of my youth. Most importantly, it made me appreciate the certainty of family, and to cherish the closeness that my cousin's family and mine still have as adults. Love you, Cuz (& family!)
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